Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project Hobbit, Phase 2

I broke out the green stuff and started sculpting.  I started with the nickers and worked my way up.  The shirt  was easy, but he looked sort of plain so I added a vest.  At first it looked like he was wearing a life vest, but since hobbits don't swim, I removed a bit of green stuff and reworked it. 

(Click on the image for a larger version)
With the mistake on adding extra green stuff on the front, I did not add any so it moved along much quicker.

(Click on the image for a larger version)
Next I took a straight pin and forged my little new little adventurer a 1/72 version of "Sting".  If anyone would like to have me explain the "forging" process, it is easy to do and gives consistent results.

(Click on the image for a larger version)
Just to be complete I included a shot from behind with the added sword.  It may be overkill, but once the camera is set up snapping extra shots is pretty easy.

(Click on the image for a larger version)

Next to prime and paint the little guy but that will be another blog entry.  Thanks for reading...

Copyright © Ron Hamilton 2010, All Right Reserved.


  1. so hows that sword making process go? if its already been explained, ignore me. i just started reading and have lots of catching up to do. thanks.

  2. Thanks for the reminder. I have some time off coming up so I will snap a couple of pictures and do a how to on my sword creation process. Thanks for asking about it so I know what people are interested in reading about.


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